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SGCA Board

The SGCA Board is comprised of local residents and business owners committed to the betterment of the Spring Garden neighborhood and the quality of life of its residents.

Prospective SGCA Board members and Officers must have a proven track record of working within and for the neighborhood, and are nominated by the SGCA Nominating Committee, and elected at General Meetings.

Board members typically serve a 3-year term, with Officers serving for 1 year. The Board meets regularly to discuss and vote on important neighborhood issues. Board members also oversee SGCA committees and plan, staff, and execute SGCA events.

SGCA Committees

SGCA Committees are comprised of Board members and general members who meet to address, plan and carry out SGCA initiatives within the neighborhood, including...

  • Zoning
  • Crime & Safety
  • Tree Plantings
  • Clean Streets
  • Social Engagement
  • Communications
  • Membership

SGCA Volunteers

The SGCA offers a number of volunteer opportunities throughout the year, and depends on help from members with initiatives to improve, maintain, and beautify the neighborhood, and connect and inform the community.

Three main initiatives that require year-round work are our Zoning, Clean Streets and Tree Plantings efforts. Clean Streets & Tree Plantings each incorporate bi-annual events and offer guidance and support for individuals to complete work on their own time.

Members are also encouraged to volunteer for special events, like social gatherings and meetings, and participate in committee work on the completion of long and short term projects.

For more information about serving as an SGCA Board member or Officer, participating in SGCA Committees, or volunteering for SGCA events, please email

Spring Garden Civic Association

601 N. 17th Street
1st Floor Storefront
Philadelphia, PA  19130

(215) 236-7334